Friday, Feb. 17

There was an article this week that said Chicago was going to work with the state of Illinois to withhold from someone's state income tax refund any fines owed to the city of chicago. about continuing this trend and withhold property tax from state pensions.  How about a new tax, called the "unrealistic retirement payout" tax that would be the difference from the age someone retired and the social security retirement age.  so, if someone retired at 55, but the SS retirement age is 65, they would pay a tax of the number of years times two.  or, a 20% tax on their pension.  this, of course, would be a starting point.  that tax could be increased by 66% in one fell swoop, like the state income tax increase was.  makes perfect sense, doesn't it?  and gives some relief to the much abused tax payer.

what sayeth you, Fudd, you hopelessly lost idiot??

have a good weekend, all....


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