Tuesday, Dec. 6

The sentencing for Gov. Blago is starting today.  Speculation has him getting 10 to 20 years in prison.  That is fine - if he broke the law, he should pay.  But given the cesspool that is Illinois politics, are we to surmise that Blago is the only one going to jail that should be going to jail?  With all the corruption at every level of Illinois government, this is the one and only guy getting jail time?  What a complete joke. 

With the announcement that Obama is going to Hawaii on 12/17 for a 17 day vacation, you now see the supporters commenting that Bush and Reagan took more time off, etc.  But, are times not different?  this guy has called us lazy, has gone around the globe apologizing for what we Americans have done to the rest of the world.  He has told us to eat our peas.  He has told us it makes no sense to take a vacation if we have bills to pay.  then he schedules yet another vacation which will cost us taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.  what a hypocrite.

The emperor is wearing no clothes, folks.  We've been had.


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