
File this one under "tell me something I didn't know".  the average family lost $21k in the last 6 months in the form of housing value, 401k, etc.  Looking at my own situation, I only wish I had lost only $21k...let's look back a few years....I lost over 30% of my 401k in the meltdown - in a one month period, and continue to hemmorage money each time I get a statement.  I earn significantly less than I did 10 years ago.  my house has not appreciated.  by no means am I alone, however, while the middle class is losing everything, and being taxed to death, the politicians who are allowed to trade on insider infomation that we cannot seem to be doing quite well.  the pensioneers that are pulling in outrageous payments, and getting a 3% increase each year....they didn't lose $21k...It's nice that the middle class can be a buffer so the rich don't have to suffer.

oh, and Obama will be staying back and taking a later plane to Hawaii than his family.  and we'll foot the bill.  not like we don't all jet off on a private 747 ever other month.

when is enough enough?


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