Wednesday, December 21

no time to post yesterday...I am too slow...or too lazy to keep up this very slow pace. is one about Gov. Fudd Quinn making noise about continuing to do nothing about the pension problem.  when  we change the Illinois constituion to not allow us taxpayers to be ass raped by pension hogs, we should also change the constitution to not allow an effin retard to be governor.   this whole mess is a laugh, and so indicative of how poorly run this crappy state is.,0,6458288.story

Here's a story about former Bear, Willie Gault being charged with defrauding investors in a company he was part of:

sure - the head of MF Global can claim no idea where $1.2 billion was lost....Goldmnan Sachs can sell assets it knows are worthless and profit when their bet on them to crash pans out, and ass rape us for billions.  but let's focus on the small guy...not the effin wall stree criminal.  sure.  makes perfect sense.  hardly.  this is like giving someone a jaywalking ticket while a rapist is raping on the same block.  where does it all end?  bend over and get sandusky'd, you middle class mopes. and keep paying your taxes so the rich fucks can live the good life.

I have never been less proud of my country.  oh - I think this is day 6 of Michelle Obama's "eff the eatin peas" tour.  I'm sure you all are glad we spent 100 grand to fly her out to hawaii on our dime. 

hope and change - let's hope for a change and soon.  this failure of a president we are now cursed with could not manage us out of a parking lot.


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