December 24, 2011

Two good articles showing the idiocy of what we put up with - TSA...(Thousands Standing Around).  read the first one about the waste of money this whole anti-terrorist movement has cost us both in dollars and in the loss of our human rights...where is the ACLU on all this???  a trillion dollar suck hole created to give jobs to mopes, imbeciles and molesters...with absolutely no benefit to those paying for this garbage.

the link below is to an article below illustrating just how little those tsa turds do.

and we pay for these pantloads to molest us and eat our cake...

my country..I have never been less proud of America...(even less than the last time I wrote that)  You know...I feel very bad writing that knowing that brave young men and woman are fighting on our behalf in God foresaken areas of the globe...real shitholes where sub-humans rule...but, at the same time,  michelle obama is still in hawaii having flown on a mostly empty 747 because she couldn't wait to get there, maybe eatin peas and doing her "let's move" bs..or maybe not..maybe just sponging off us taxpayers...yea...probably that.  story after story about politicians enriching themselves in ways that would be illegal for the regular person to do....and the next crop of criminals having a beauty contest to see who can run for president and continue the swirl to the bottom of the toilet.

things have got to change...because too many years with no change have landed us in the pit we are in today.

Merry Christmas...maybe 2012 will bring about some change.


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