December 1..

November sure went by quickly.  I hope we can say the same at the end of January.  I was at Wal Mart this morning - kind of sad how Christmas is reduced to aisles full of plastic toys.  Gotta be more to the holiday than that.  or maybe not - so many things that were significant when I was a kid are now considered passe, and should not be customs any more.  Those douchebags that resent the rest of us saying Merry Christmas are so indicative that the country took a wrong turn at some point. 

The market seemed to like whatever progress was made on the European debt yesterday.  What progress was made, I cannot say. 

In Roeper's column today, he asks if running for president is worth it - given the scrutiny and headaches that come along with it.
Of course it is worth it.  Every acquaintance and hanger on of an elected president has an opportunity to become fantastically rich by their association with the president.  Let there be no doubt that our current president was hand picked and groomed years ago for what he is doing now.  Look at how the media conspired to derail his opponents on the way up.  How his records were sealed, and no one sued to unseal them, as had been done with his opponents.  Look at how many buttwipes have become rich during this depression. 

to follow that thought, perhaps just getting rich is not enough.  for those who like conspiracies, check out this story.  a long read, probably nutty, but I would imagine the truth is somewhere between what we have been told by the media and crazy ideas like the attached.  any, if you have time, take a read.


  1. Well, certainly a loooong article - not sure I buy the whole story, but there definitely is something strange about how this guy just 'popped up' out of nowhere and just a short time later becomes the leader of the free world - and it goes without saying that the media bent over backwards to shield this guy from any tough questions about his past - and of course, predictably, when someone had the gall to actually question him about Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, or whatever, they would be shouted down as racist, right wing bigots.

    Keep up the good work - and may we finally get this guy and his cabal out of office next year. Of course, the alternatives don't look all that attractive, either, but hey.........



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