Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011

Congestion Tax????  wtf...Mayor Rahhhhmm is proposing some major increases on the tax for parking in the overpriced lots in the open sewer called Chicago.  To park to see a play would now cost you over $30.  What an effin joke.  Add that to the additional surcharge on cab fares, and you now have to bring $100 just to park and get around the loop.  Plus you need to bring an extra Ipod and cell phone to give up to the flash mobs that targe and rob white people.  Brothas gotta make a livin.,0,2232745.story

Chicago...what a shithole.

oh, and no progress on the pension deficit.  your $5500 share of the problem has gone up since I last wrote of it.

Illinois...what a shithole.


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