Tuesday, Nov. 15

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next Thursday.  As I have written many times, we can only hope the winter passes as quickly as the fall is passing.

The approval for the liquor tax increase by the county is passing.  What the heck, we taxpayers are used to being screwed - what's a bit more taxation?  The justificaion given by those approving the tax increases is comical - we are somehow supposed to be at fault for the county tax decrease, so therefore that deficit had to be made up somewhere....how about reducing spending...reducing pensions...my friend told me of going to the county office to contest his parents property tax bill...and was greeted by the county employee with the most intelligent line "who you be?"...this is where our tax dollars are going...who you be.....we pay taxes so brain dead morons who could not care less about helping us can ask us who we be.

I saw a story that the city of chicago is cutting jobs, and has 10,000 less city workers than a decade ago.  that is probably good news to the city workers, as there would be more room to sleep in the trucks now. 

the city of chicago...what a shithole
cook county..what a shithole
the state of illinois..what a shithole...
i have never been less proud of my country than I am today...hey wait - I said that not too long ago.

is it just me??


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