Thursday, Nov 24 - Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving.  I was at WalMart this morning early, and the aisles were full of Christmas toys, etc.  Not much respect given to Thanksgiving.  Which is somewhat strange since Thanksgiving should be the one holiday that transcends race, religion, etc.  Unless, of course, you are a native American, then you'd probably not really feel too good about Thanksgiving.  Native Americans got screwed out of their country, then a few hunder years later, Americans got screwed out of their country...we have come full circle. 

But, on that topic, I suppose the list of things to be thankful for far outweighs the list of things you can bitch about.  unless you are me - then you can find fault in virtually everything. such is life.  but, perhaps I need to lighten up.  but what would I write about? 

anyway - football to come on in a bit.  too early for a beer...what is one to do?

have a Happy Thanksgiving.

(authors note:  I read this posting and it is not up to my normal standard - real crap.  the author apologizes in advance)


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