Sunday, Nov 27

the news is still full of stories about the mayhem with the crush of shoppers on Black Friday...mobs of people with nothing better to do, stampeding to get a $2 waffle maker, or a cheap flat screen tv.  spending hours of their free time standing in a sheep. 
The Norman Rockwell Christmas is no more...somewhere along the line the holiday went from a time of family and God, to a time of gorging on cheaply made Chinese goods.
Proves my theory - the govt is only too happy to keep the masses supplied with food and alcohol in mass quantities...and cheap consumer goods.  If the masses are kept fat, drunk and laden with brightly colored stuff, they will be distracted from fully understanding that the state is broke, the country is broke, and one by one, European countries are folding.  my advice - learn how to speak Mandarin. 

Merry Christmas.


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