Monday, November 14

or, eleven, eleven, fourteen, if you will

According to Obama, America has been a little bit lazy in attracting business to this country...

huh??? lazy????  I am making significantly less income that I was a decade ago, and working significantly more hours.  I have not been lazy.  I know I am not alone either...we are constantly reminded how lucky we are to have jobs at pay taxes to fund the really lazy:
- welfare slobs that have more kids so they get more welfare each month
- lazy first ladies that take a vacation every month, costing the taxpayers millions, and classifying their children as senior staff memberst to avoid paying their expenses
- lazy first families who uproot a farm and put it in the white house back yard to show their commitment to gardening...why not actually plant something and watch it grow?
- lazy business leaders who export jobs by the millions instead of spending the effort to build a growing business here in this country.

Lazy???  look in the mirror before you make a comment like that.  or have you done nothing for so long that you don't see it?


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