I forget the exact amount, but when we, the middle class, make a cash transaction at the bank for over $2 grand, I believe special paperwork is required - just so the govt make sure we are not cheating them out of their share, and to make sure we justify why we have such riches....so, look at the link here.  MF Global's loss is over a billion - more than twice what was estimated.  And the money just disappeared..imagine that.  did they have forms for every $2 grand that they stole? 


Remember the coverage given to Michelle Obama while in Chicago, decrying the "food deserts", areas not having any stores where locals could buy food???  well, genius, here is why there are food deserts.  Who in their right mind would put a store in a neighborhood like this?


oh, and Tony Rezko is due to be sentenced.  He was a fundraiser for convicted governor Rod Blago...but not much mention of his association with Obama.  and helping him buy a house...imagine that. the press not digging into Obama's past...hmm..maybe we cas sue to unseal Jack Ryan's divorce records again.


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