Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I tried to play basketball last night...if I have gotten a bit better at golf, I got a lot worse at basketball.  I think this is the end of the road for that sport.  Which brings me to a new analogy.....

Imagine a kid with one leg going out for the football team.  It is a heartwarming story, and he gets to play middle linebacker in a real game.  Except that his inability to actually play the game far outweigh the heartwarming aspect of the situation, and other kids are getting hurt because the kid is not actually playing the game...the other kids are getting manhandled and the game is a disaster because they are essentially playing 11 against 10.  The handicapped kid is courageous, but is just taking up space that a qualified player would be taking.  that is what our current presidential situation is (to me anyway).  We elected a feel-good story...a non-threatening mixed race guy that was a smooth talker.  We didn't bother to look beneath the surface.  We heard what we wanted to hear.  We believed him when he convincingly pointed at the camera and made his argument about how he would clean up the mess left by Bush.  Except that he had no unique skill to back up his talk.  And here we are.  The "laser focus on jobs" from a few months ago is now a new $300 billion stimulus, I guess we need to borrow another $300 billion from China. What a mess.

but at least the weather is nice, huh?


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