Wednesday, Sept 28

Feels like it should be Thursday, but it's not...oh well, quoth the archivist....

There was a story in Sunday's trib about a banking exec that had been laid off for a few years.  the story documented his struggles...the hardship his family was going through...and a good deal about his mindset.  Going back to December, 2008, that was the reason I started writing this blog.  I had been off 4 months at that time, and was angry, frustrated, worried...the whole gamut of emotions...all of them unpleasant.  During that time, I furiously sent out resumes all day - from 6 am to 6 pm...applying to jobs I was overqualified for...applying for jobs I had applied to multiple times.  What a crappy time.  I would read and post to boards for the downsized professional, and would converse with folks in the same boat at I was.  If you are extremely bored, go back and read the postings at the beginning of this blog - almost like it was written by a different person.
The one thing I heard from everyone I talked to at that time was "this will end".  At the time, I considered that just three empty words.  How did these people know it would end?  Most of the people telling me that had jobs, so what did they know?  Maybe I would be looking for a job for years, and would never find one.  But it did end.  I guess they were right, huh?
The sad thing is that stories like that are all too common.  there is a group called the 99ers, made up of people that have been out of work for more than 99 weeks.  And while we read stories ad nauseum about Kim Kardashian's wedding, or Snookie's latest drunken exploits, we don't read much about the tenuous state of the middle class.  All of us are a paycheck away from being the next story in the Trib.  and yet the city, state, county and federal government are all looking for ways to separate us from more of our if we can afford it. 

Is is just me, or do things seem a bit dimmer each day? 


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