Wednesday, Sept 21

If you are like me (and if you are not, thank God you are not), you really get infuriated by stories of pension crime.  The fact that the haves can set themselves up at the expense of the have-nots is criminal.  And it is sanctioned by our elected officials.  Take a read on the attached Trib story - it is lengthy, but worth the read:,0,4724416.story

The shithole known as Illinois is $100 billion in the hole on pension debt, and our politicians are re-wording legislation so that a guy that was making $15,000 per year gets a penion of over $150 grand a year?  And this is legal?   Again, I encourage you to read this story if only so you can see how messed up those controls that are supposed to prevent this very abuse are.

Double the tolls, the gas tax, the income tax...Illinois will still be the steaming turd that it is no matter what Fudd does.  the unions are clearly calling the shots.   

Oh, and btw - Survivor is on tonight (anticipate a suckfest), and the new season of the Ultimate Fighter is on - Mayhem Miller rules.

oh, and another btw - today we swirl just a little lower in the toilet...(Kazz - thanks for appreciating this comment that I stole from somewhere I can't remember)


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