Tuesday, September 20

Debt...insolvency...everything you read now is about the sorry state of finances at all levels:
- the city of Chicago is broke, and has already sold the skyway and parking meters, letting the citizens get ass raped by the new rates of Kuwait who now owns the meters.  Daley spent the money, which was supposed to last decades, in 2 years.  the city has its own pension issues, unrealistic taxes and fees, and has no way out.
- the state of Illinois, the most poorly run state in the country, is broke with hundreds of billions of commitments it cannot keep.  oh, btw - congrats Fudd on being named the 3rd worst state to do business in.  we are all confident you will own the #1 spot very soon.
- the federal governmemnt is trillions in debt - I believe the number is something like $65,000 per household.  we continue to print money at an alarming rate, and are heading to a real crash, the likes of which have never been seen before.
- Europe is broke, and one by one, countries will declare insolvency.

my point here is HOW DID WE GET HERE?  when the little guy (us) applies for a credit card or mortgage, the bank is quick to do an analysis and tell us how much they will lend us at ridiculously high rates.  Where was this due diligence when municipalities were extending themselves to unsustainable levels?  did anyone ever say no? 

Of course now China owns it all.  We are all indentured to China and anyone that disputes that fact is missing the big picture.  the question is now how deep we allow China's shithooks into us. 

so, enough of the bad news.  on the sunny side, Mayor Emanuel has announced plans to build boathouses on the Chicago river to make this craphole a  recreational area.  so, if you are into partying by an open sewer with condoms floating by, your prayers have been answered.

life...could it get any better???


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