Thursday, September 22

Fall arrives long summer.  We will now go from the nicest season, fall, to the worst. 

it is said that nature abhors a can also be said that the state of Illinois (the most poorly run state in the country) abhors a road that is not under construction.  yesterday within a mile of work there were 4 separate road construction projects that really had things messed up.  enough already.  it's great that we fund these shovel ready jobs, but can they not finish one before they start 3 more?

here's a is clear the media does not treat our current failure in chief, Obama, as harshly as they did the previous idiot in chief, Bush.  However, the free pass for obama continues...but, I fully expect the media will say that obama set out to be very unsuccessful at all elemements of leading the country, so he has been extremely successful at being unsuccessful, and deserves 4 more years of colossal failure.  count on it.

the emperor is wearing no clothes, folks.

oh - and here is a link to a story in today's Trib about the ongoing pension mess that no one involved will comment on.  do read it - you can't make this stuff up.,0,913026.story


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