Saturday, Sept. 24

I was out this morning at 6 am - still pitch dark.  I guess summer is really over....
When I was driving to the store, I heard the song "Operator" by Jim Croce...a song that was popular in the 70s....made me realize there are many younger people who have never seen a pay phone...who have never spoken to an operator..who have never made a collect call.  who have never seen a vhs video tape.  Who had not been borm before America became a haven for every reject and parasite from every other country.

Today's gem is brough to us by Morgan Freeman, who has determined the tea party is racist...I suppose he means anyone who does not agree with our colossal failure, Obama, is racist.  Apparently he is forgetting how the previous president was savaged in the he was a punch line, a nightly staple for Jay Leno and David Letterman.  At any given time, approx 49% of the population will disagree with any president.  In this case, Obama is such a dismal failure that most folks with a functioning brain do not agree with him.

One of the problems with equality is that some will object when they are treated equally. Everyone was beaming with pride that a (half) black dude was elected president...but, when the criticism starts that every president has been subjected to...well, that is racist.....
It is nice that Morgan Freeman is free to comment like that...after all, he lives in a country were he is free to marry his step-grandaughter...(ick - could there be anything skeevier..or would that be more skeevy??)

but that is the state of our great country...I remember Sir Elton John commenting on American Idol when Jennifer Hudson was voted off...his comment was that the show is terribly, in order to placate sir elton douchebag, we should immediately vote off all white contestants on American Idol, Survivor, et al...and then let the show commence on a non racist basis..

the fact that these stories are even published (and I comment on them) shows you that yes....each and every day we swirl yet a bit lower in the toilet than we did just yesterday....

or is it just me...

Is it too early to start drinking yet? must be noon somewhere.


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