Monday, Sept 26

Sure feels like a Monday - gray, raining.  the bears game yesterday was a suckfest.  and so back to work

there was a good editorial in yesterdays Trib about the corrupt pension system.,0,4585188.story

sure - this needs to be investigated and fixed, but will it be?  not a chance.  the pension hogs stand behind the corrupt law that states that pensions will not be diminished.  Leave it to the corrupt shithole that is Illinois to put in place a constitutional article that preserves the right of the crooks to profit from their crimes.  the feds need to step in and clean house...but wait...our president is a product of this crooked system...never mind. 

here is a link to a good story last week by John can't help but agree with him about the arrogance of these pension hogs.,0,7054540.column

there was a march on Wall street in New York yesterday that the cops broke up...80 protestors arrested.  how many wall street crooks have been arrested?  the next one will be the first one.

we be swirlin low in that toilet...


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