Monday, Sept 19

The days are noticibly shorter now.  Fall is upon us...well, fall will be officially here this week.

here is a link to a story talking about cutting military retiree benefits.  Cutting benefits for those who risked their lives, and who are getting a fraction of the Illinois pension hogs.  When will the three functioning brain cells of Gov. Fudd Quinn realize that Illinois needs to do the same thing?

to date, he has:
- raised the personal income tax
- raised the corporate income tax
- raised the state gas tax (which is pegged as a % of the price of gas, so Fudd likes high gas prices)
- raised the cost of tolls
- discussing a utility rate hike (don't worry - that will happen)

but no one looking at reducing the cost of pensions.  despite the fact that the market tanked, these pensions have not lost value, and the pension hogs can look forward to a 3% raise each year...and many retire in their early 50s.  A few months ago, each Illinois citizen owed $5500 for pension debt.  I would surmise it is more than that now.

and what has Fudd done about it?  well, he went to China....


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