Monday, Sept. 12, 2011

Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of 9/11...which I am sure you are well aware of.  Ten years...I guess that is the event that our generation will remember as previous generations remembered the great Depression, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, etc.  A significant event that is looked on as a catalyst for events that followed. 
Look at what has changed in the last 10 years....the global economy is in the crapper.  Greece will default within a few days, and of course, other financial instabilities will then be exposed.  The middle east remains a flashpoint, and the trillions of American dollars and thousands of American lives lost there has done nothing to change the direction there.  Our personal freedoms here in America are being systematically taken away, one by one.   The middle class is being pushed down a rung each and every day.  Our government is an ineffective group of criminals. 

Was it always this bad, or has it just gotten really bad in the last 10 years?

on the bright side, it's now NFL season. 


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