Friday, September 9, 2011

tgif...even though it was a 4 day week, it was a long week.  was just looking at the calendar - 6 weeks ago at this time I was on my way up to Canada.  Time does fly.  Ten years have flown by since 9/11.  I, like most, remember that day in crystal clear detail.  Maybe I will write of it on Sunday. 

here is a link to a very good story/op ed from the Trib.,0,2926245.story

the story calls out Gov. Elmer Fudd Quinn for his failure on virtually everything he touched, and for cutting spend in order to preserve the outrageous and idiotic pension plan.  (and tell me that pic of him does not look more like Elmer Fudd than Elmer Fudd).  Like many of our elected idiots, this guy is a total failure, and is not qualified for any office.  but, he was in the right place at the right time, so he assumed his turn at the public trough. 

I was talking to a guy at basketball the other night.  He was talking about a guy names Jack Ryan, who was married to actress Jeri Ryan, and was running for US senate.  there was some scandalous divorce between them, and he dropped out of race, paving the way for our current failure-in-chief to run against crackpot Alan Keyes.  so, if there was any doubt that Obama is the manchurian candidate, look at the evidence.  no one can be that lucky.   here is a link to Ryan's wikipedia story.  interesting stuff.

anyway, the weekend is almost upon us.  enjoy.  and the Bears start Sunday.  finally....


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