Friday, September 2

tgif - and a 3 day weekend is upon us.  should be a hot one, too.  fire up the grill and ice the beer.....

here is a link to a story that should infuriate you....if you get infuriated about the pension mess....which, of course, I do.  The story details how union leaders are using the system to go from a $40,000 salary to a pension over $100,000.  If you read the story, you'll see that in each case there were rules broken, and letters written so these pension hogs could cash in.  and nothing is being done to fix this mess.  It must also be asked how prevalent this situation is - it is certainly not limited to the people in the story.

Illinois - what a shithole.  here is the link:,0,1997273.story

also, with Labor Day upon us, the oil companies have taken the opportunity to ass rape us a little more....because more people will be out driving, they raise the price of gas.  what an effing scam.  of course, our failure of a president had been on record saying he wanted gas to be $5 per gallon.  so, like so many of his other feeble attempts to do anything, he has failed.  but, I guess give him time...if screwing things up leads to $5 gas, he'll get us there in no time.  he's all about hope and change.

and today we swirl just a little lower in the toilet.


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