Friday, Sept 30

This has been a long week.  I feel beat up.  but ready for the weekend.

The news is full of stories today about Bank of America raising the monthly fee for their debit card to $5 IF THE CARD IS USED FOR A PURCHASE.  Isn't that the idea of debit cards?  All the major banks are devising strategies to ass rape us to make up for the fees that the govt says they can no longer ass rape us with.  Same ass rapin, different cock.  these thieves are the same ones we gave billions of our tax dollars to because they mismanaged the financial system in the first place. 

I have an idea - let's go back 10 years and let the airlines charge us for bags we checked when that was free.  and let the banks charge us for ATM withdrawls made when that was free.  My accountant this year asked how many internet purchases I had made - because Illinois wants its sales tax from that.  let's let eveyone have their pound of flesh.  we owe them, right?  lots of pension hogs to be fed..lots of execs that need more money.

Another idea - there should be a Tax Tax.  Each taxing body (and there are many) such as city, county, state, federal, will figure out how much tax we have paid them, then tax us based on that amount.  We will be taxed for the pleasure of paying taxes.  It's a win-win, right?  when is enough enough?

I have commented previously about moving out of the state of Illinois, the most poorly run state in the country.  I think now I will move to Darfur, along with George Clooney, where hopefully we will be hacked to death by starving natives with machetes...and our lives will not be lived in vain. 

or maybe I will just drink beer and golf this weekend.  I will let you know later. but it is good to have options, I always say.


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