Wednesday, August 24

Another hot day.  One more month of summer.  Then fall....then the suck.

here is a link to a story that should come as no surprise to anyone but Gov. Fudd Quinn.

Illinois has lost more jobs than any other state, and the job losses coincide with the monumentally stupid decision to raise corporate state taxes to a ridiculously high level.  Any corporate business leader would be remiss if they did not move their operations out of Illinois.  I could see if there were compelling reasons to not move out of Illinois - but there are not.  So, any CFO would have to identify the opportunity to immediately improve their bottom line by 2% (or more) and move to a more business friendly state - that is the duty they have to the shareholders.  Before long, the frustrated taxpayer will follow in order to avoid the "temporary" 6% state income tax (temporary until it becomes 8%).

funny how Chicago is going after businesses that function in the city, but have headquarters outside of Chicago.  Emanuel says they are skirting the law...of course they are - just like the thousands of city employees that are getting a pension from one job, and pulling in a six figure salary for another job.  I would think Emanuel would commend these companies for playing the Chicago Way.

and today, we swirl just a little lower in the toilet.


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