Tuesday, August 23

Back at work today.  Got a lot done yesterday with my son to prepare for the first day of school.  Where did the summer go?  Seems like yesterday it was the last day of school and the kids had 10 weeks off...it is frightening how time flies.  Well - if only the lousy winter months would go by as quickly. 

here is an article I find somewhat amusing.  In Philly, there is a curfew for teenagers...presumably, the cops are looking for those demographics that match those who flash mob, and attack innocent people minding their own business.  Not sure if you have read any of the stories from Philly, but it is frightening how bold these scumbags are.  If you read the story, you will see a community activist refers to the curfew as "illegal and racist".  which is exactly what the mob beatings have been - but have you yet seen these crimes referred to at illegal and racist?  gotta love the liberals. 


another story that underscores how we are misled is the reporting of the conflict in Libya, and the imapct on oil prices.   Libya, which has not supplied any oil to the US since February, has a coup going on...which has caused the price of oil to rise...how can that be you ask????  well - if the oil companies are to have another record quarter, some ass rapin' of us gas buyers is in order, wouldn't you say???



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