Thursday, Aug. 18

August 18???? What the H???  (I love Norm Macdonald).

here's a few links to stories that just kill me.  the first is about a video that our great dept of homeland security put out...and apparently, the folks we need to fear are all white, and those reporting the white terrorists are minority.  As we well know, whites hijacked the planes on 9/11, whites have sworn to destroy America, whites are mobbing up and beating innocent minority folks just minding their own business...and as we well know, most of you are guilty of flying while white, so eff you all.  read the attached link and you will appreciate your tax dollars going to this garbage.

this link is a story that Michelle Bachman, when elected president, will make sure gas costs $2 a gallon.  this reminds me of when some kid was running for class president and he would say if elected, he would make sure all the drinking fountains in school were flowing with coke, not water.  yet another load of crap by someone with no ability to do the things they are promising.

but, this is the sorry state of the country...leaderless.   a worldwide laughingstock.  the depository for the parasites the other countries don't want.  a safe haven for the terrorists that want to kill us.  and we all stood by and watched it happen. welcome to the suck.


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