Sunday, August 28

I am sitting here watching the news.  Seems like the Hurricane Irene preparation was overblown - lots of rain but apparently the storm has moved north of New York at this point.  Looks like damage was not too bad, not too much loss of life - or is it.  The coverage is not really too clear.  I did see Obama returned a day early from his vacation to lead the disaster planning.  Of course, we should all remember the words of his chief of staff, now Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanual "don't let a good crisis go to waste".  Did Obama bring his family back with him, or are we as taxpayers on the hook for another duplicate flight costing us hundreds of thousands of dollars? 

I see that gas prices are expected to spike because an east coast refinery may have to close due to the storm....hmmm...didn't prices spike in Chicago last week because a sensor at the Whiting refinery say THERE MAY BE A LEAK..not that there was actually a leak....and, due to the storm, not many people out east are driving, so why the price spike?   I think perhaps the media should replace the term "price spike" with "ass rape".  that would be more representative of how we as consumers are treated by those who gouge us with gas pricing. or ass raping.

so - supposed to be a great late summer day. my golf buds and I are now lamenting the later sunrises...and the dwindling number of golf opportunities. 

have a good Sunday. 


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