Monday, August 22

nice weekend...turned 53.  played golf on Saturday - got through 16 holes before we quit due to weather.  Better to quit early than to keep playing and get struck by lightening.  The 4 of us that played had a laugh...we used to play no matter what the weather.  Now we err on the side of caution, and hopefully will live to play another day.

the news continues to be the news.  as I read back on the postings I write, the recurring theme is the griping about the way things are.  I suppose that is very common among people when they reach the age I am at now.  While this situation can't be fixed, or changed to everyone's satisfaction, it seems that some temporary fix is always implememted that works until the next temporary fix is put in place.  

but, I still think we are so far gone in so many areas that there ain't no fix that will preserve the status quo.  things will change, and change drastically in the next few years. 

so - I am off today. My son and I have a lot of running around to do before school starts tomorrow.  I also need to write about the fact that I went back to boot camp this morning.  I was much better prepared mentally this time.

have a good Monday.


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