Friday, August 19

tgif...I will be 53 years old tomorrow...12 years to (supposed) retirement...or at least the age retirmement used to be.  I harbor no illusions that social security will be there - at least for the white taxpayers who have paid into it all their lives.  we have to make sure we give it all to illegals and others who have not paid a cent, but rather live here as parasite scumbags.

speaking of which, check out this story:

our colossal failure of a president is proposing that we not deport young mexicans who have not committed crimes, nor are threats to national security (as we know, whites are the biggest threat to national security - just watch the video linked yesterday).  but wait, you ask....haven't they already broken the law by being here illegally?  and of course, as we know, young hispanics commit almost no crimes in this country, right??  (take a read on the Daily Herald, any day of the week). 

what a joke.  just another example of the "crapization" of America.  the only group guilty of anything is white america - who must be guilty of having too much money, and having too many rights.  our failure-in-chief is doing his best to separate us from both of those things. 

oh - and he left yesterday for another vacation.   I hope they are eating their peas on Martha's Vineyard. 

today, we swirl just a bit lower in the toilet. 


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