Friday, August 12

It's hard to believe just a week ago was my last day of fishing in Canada.  The weeks fly by...turn into months which turn into year's trip is right around the corner...or so it seems.

I forgot to comment on a tribune story that said "it was ok" that the debt rating of the US had been downgraded from AAA to AA.  It was ok...isn't that an acceptance that it is ok for the country to be just a little bit shittier than it used to be...that things that were once held dear are not ok to be less good than they once were???  It is ok for the flood of immigrants to overwhelm the resources of the US, and the ability of the middle class taxpayers to support these is ok for bands of wild black youth to rampange and wantonly beat innocent whites and for authorities to fall all over themselves to say the crimes were not racially is ok for some elite to draw unrealistic, unearned, unsustainable is ok.  because the country was not ok when it was solid...when citizens obeyed the law.  we needed to really muck up this country because it was not ok before. 



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