Wednesday, July 13

the cleanup from the storm continues.  the traffic lights by the high school are out and there were cops directing traffic there this morning, so it made it much better than just an unmonitored intersection.

here's a link to a story about another woman guilty of flying while white.
the implication is that we are supposed to let our kids be groped by the TSA mopes.  We should all wear burkhas in the security line, because as we all know, it is unacceptable to offend muslims....the very group of people responsible for the creation of the TSA to begin with.  Another day, another freedom taken away.
the budget mess continues.  I wonder where it will end up - we are already in a real mess, so any agreement reached will just be a speed bump on the way to the depression we are headed to.  and now Obama is saying the social security payments may not go out on Aug. 3....sure - the folks that paid a fortune into the fund don't get the payment they are counting on to live.  how about not paying for any services for illegals, food stamps or other entitlements first?  hope and change.


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