Tuesday, July 5

Well, that weekend sure flew by.  Very nice summer weather.  We did the usual 4th of July things - grill, Frontier Days, parade....more grilling, more beer.  and back to work today.
I was going to write about the 2 hours I wasted at the DMV on Friday....my son had his SS card, his school id, my id, but they wouldn't accept his hospital issued birth certificate.  so, we now have to get the county issued birth certificate and make a second trip to that bastion of seat warmers.  Maybe if he was an illegal, the birth certificate requirement would have been waived...and judging by the fact that English speaking people were in the minority there, I can pretty much assume not all of them had a county issued birth certificate...those are probably just a requirement for white Americans.  just like valid boarding passes are for an airline.
We went to a party at our next door neighbors yesterday.  they are a VietNamese couple and had their extended family over.  I was talking to one guy about my age who shared the story about how he came to America....To hear of someone who risked their live to come here, played by all the rules, and is now a contributing citizen is what America is all about.  I guess the American dream is still out there for some. 
and so, now back to work.  Soon it will be the end of July and we will be talking football...if the lockout is ever settled.


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