Tuesday, July 26

I missed a few days of posting.  and life goes on...the debate on the deficit....the mess in Illinois....the economy in freefall....the price of gas.

speaking of which, check out this story. 


Infuriating.  with significantly less output, BP has posted record profits.  and we are paying record prices for gas.  they mention the loss last year due to the cost of the cleanup of the gulf oil spill...so they come here, shit all over our pristine fishing grounds and we let them ass rape us on the price of gas. and of  course, we, as Americans, get to pay the excessive taxes that fund the military that keeps the flow of oil going so the oil can be refined and sold to us at a huge profit and BP can make record profits by refining and selling less.  really a good situation for them, isn't it? 

at least our deficit problems have all been solved, right?


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