Thursday, July 21

the heat continues....and we'll all be happy as pigs in slop (or at least I will, because I love the heat) until the electric bill comes.  I am guessing at least $300 - and the house never really cools off in this heat.  I had the news on this morning, and the topic of the heat took at least 15 of the 45 minutes I was watching it.  Plenty of tips on what to do, where to go, what to drink, what not to drink, what not to do...we get it - it's summer and it's hot.  enough already.

the topic of the debt ceiling and the ongoing meetings to address the issue kind of fell off the news radar.  the fact remains, the current problem has roots that go back years, if not decades.  there is no fixing it.  any action taken is a temporary band aid that will have to be addressed - but what exactly will fix the fact that we are in debt by an amount we cannot comprehend.  we owe more than the entire world owns.  kind of a difficult concept to wrap ones mind around.  but the poop will hit the fan one of these years.  the day of reckoning is coming.  but, Obama will figure it out...because he told us he would.  he will point at the camera, reading off his teleprompter and say "LOOK....(followed by some empty words)"
or am I too skeptical?  nah...


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