Saturday - July 2

Nice and hot outside - and it's only 9 am.  Nice 3 day weekend of nothing.  well, golf, bbq, laying around.  so, plenty to do, or not do.
Interesting story about the guy who had boarded international flights several times with expired tickets, boarding passes that did not match his id, invalid passport, and other issues that should have been caught by the morons of the, contrast that with the story of the 95 year old woman that had to remove her diaper to be searched for a flight from FL to MI....what was the difference, you ask??? well, the guy was black, with an african name, and the woman was white.  we certainly can't risk offending the africans - like the one that tried to blow up the plane to Detroilet last - even if it means letting them board planes and traveling illegally.  but, if you are guiltly of traveling while white, you are subject to all sorts of indignities.  we've all seen the video of the 6 year old white girl getting patted down, the white guy getting molested at the search point.  In March, 2002, after 9/11, we were traveling to Arizona.  At both ends of the trip, my daughter got picked for the thorough, we all know that 16 year old girls match the profile of the arabs that blew up the plane, right?  while she is being searched, I see middle eastern men (matching the profile of a terrorist) board the plane with nary a second glance by security...can't offend those muslims, can we?  what a crock.  is it me, or are we being prepped for a systemic removal of our rights one at a time.  the muslims complain about having to remove their burkha (sp?) but if your are white, take that diaper off, and if you complain, you can be arrested.  I guess the big bull dyke, Napolitano, considers this a victory.

and we pay taxes to support this lunacy.  maybe tomorrow I will write of the 2 hours I wasted at the DMV yesterday.  another tale of how close the the bottom of the toilet we are swirling.

enjoy the heat...


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