Wednesday, May 18

Still cold and rainy...really lousy weather.  one of these days, global warming will leave us...
Company after company are putting the screws to Gov. Fudd Quinn and demanding concessions in order to stay in Illinois.  When he raised the corporate rate, in addition to the 66% increase in the individual state income tax, what did this genius expect?  and who will be making up the difference when he gives these concessions???  Why, us, of course.  and still, no action whatsoever taken on the $100 plus billion pension shortfall.  We have state representatives talking about giving college scholarships to illegal aliens, but no action on the issues that cost the taxpayer money. 
at least we are giving Oprah a grand sendoff.  the news all abuzz with the cavalcade of stars in town to kiss the ass of celebrate the great Oprah.  I would imagine after her last show, she will be transported directly to heaven...but it will be a special heaven, one that none of us regular folks are good enough to be let into.  what a crock of bs.
and, my God - did you see the picture of the trenchcrawler that Gov. Arnold had a kid with?  yuck.  what was he thinking?? ick.  again, a fine example of our leaders.  what scumbags.

surprisingly, gas has not gone down at all...I guess that 20 dollar drop in the price of a barrel of oil may take a bit longer to find its way to the pump...unless we get more rain, or if the gas inventory decreases, or if China buys more oil, or if the middle east unrest continues, or if...
what a crock.  at least the Bulls game is on tonight.


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