Wednesday, May 11

Finally feeling like late was 85 yesterday, and supposed to be warm today..
I saw Obama speaking/pandering to a latino group yesterday saying the immigration system needed to be fixed...seeing as there are tens of millions of illegals in the country, he is right.  and we should start fixing the system by deporting all illegals, then establishing a set of rules that future legal immigrants need to follow in order to enter America.  somewhere along the line the expectation was that since there are so many illegals in this country, the system should be amended to make them all legal...what if all legal citizens decided the tax system was broken, and we should not have to pay taxes...would the government agree, and say that we should be excused from paying taxes?  no - the middle class needs to be kept in line, right?  Illegals are given more leeway than we citizens are.  We have established sanctuary cities where illegals can live without fear of arrest.  what a crock.
our tax dollars at work.  with our miserable failure of a president, we are swirling just a little lower in the toilet each day.


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