Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Supposed to be 85 today.  Now is the time of year the misery of winter is forgotten, and we can now enjoy 6 month of pretty livable weather.  I love the hot weather, so can't wait for the summer. 

the score is now SQUIRRELS 3  ME 0
those bastards got the pumpkin seeds I was growing in cups on the patio table, so I bought more seeds and planted them in the garden, then put chicken wire over the spot where I planted.  Went out there yesterday and saw they had dug up the seeds and ate them.  I am not quitting - I am going to replant until I have pumpkin plants growing....of couse, I should just save my money, as with what I have spent planting seeds, I could buy a big pumpkin come October.  and as soon as the pumpkin flowers start growing, the rabbits will show up to eat them.  but, once my son finds his airsoft gun, the squirrels and rabbits are in for a fight. 

I heard a story on the news today that the average college student is graduating with over $25,000 of student loan debt.  How convenient for the scumbag banks - we are now graduating millions of kids already endentured to the banks with loans of 10 years or more...so, these kids will get out, and have to pay student loans for 10 years or more, delaying their ability to buy cars, rent apartments, etc.  Generally, these would be the middle class kids, whose parents can't afford to pay to put them through school - and with the outrageous tuition (which, of course, has to cover the outrageous salary and benefits of the administrators), who can afford to pay for their kids college...And when they default by the millions, our tax dollars will be there to reimburse the banks dollar for dollar for their losses.  Yet another example of the rich sucking the life blood from the middle class.

Here's a link that says 28% of home mortgages are under water, meaning the borrower owes more than the house is worth.  The next wave of foreclosures will be huge, and once again, the banks will profit from the misery of the middle class.  and our politicians waste time thinking about how to give college scholarships to illegal aliens....we are swirling aroud the toilet just a little lower each day, aren't we?



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