Sunday, May 22

What happened to Saturday?  got up at 4:30 yesterday, left to play golf at 5:30 (playing much better, thank you) and puttered around the housed the rest of the day/night.  Today reminds we who live in the midwest of why we choose to live here.  It can not be nicer outside day.  80 and sunny.  a far cry from the cold and snow that we endured.  my garden is starting to grow, and I have more pumpkin seeds I am trying to get to sprout.  the battle between man and squirrel rages on.  I killed 3 bees on the deck yesterday - they were the size of a big grape.  since I am allergic to bee stings, I don't want those things buzzing around.
Is it me, or are the beer commercials touting the label that says when your beer is cold are the epitome of silliness?  The one has the guy telling his girlfriend he is studying for the bar exam...what is he, stupid, or mentally challenged?  I have a way to tell if my beer is cold enough....I drink it, and if it is not cold enough, I have a second beer to see if the first one was more or less cold...then I repeat the process as often as necessary.  no need for a label to tell me that the beer is cold enough to drink.
so, I am heading back outside, since no one should be inside wasting time at a keyboard on a day like today.


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