Saturday, May 14

really chilly today - where is our spring weather?
this blog site was down yesterday.  I was thinking the government finally noticed the 3 or 4 page reads I was getting per day, and decided I was a threat...but apparantly not, as the site is back up today.
self absorbed celebrities - I saw a story that Jillian Michaels (I think that is her name) from Biggest Loser is going to adopt a child...FROM THE CONGO...  she is setting the bar yet higher for those bleeding heart celebs like Madonna, Angelina Jolie, and others who think it fashionable to adopt a child from Malawi, Laos, etc...where is the next celeb going to adopt from in order to be recognized as a true humanitarian???? Jupiter?   are there no children to be adopted from places worse than the Congo such as Detroit, Cleveland, etc???  What about Amsterdam??? what about Norway????  kind of lacks the emotional impact of adopting from the Congo, huh?

enjoy this less than stellar day.


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