Monday, May 9

May 9 already...soon it will be June...and I can say that "next month I am going fishing"....
Happy Mother's day, a day late...
I saw an article over the weekend that Goldman Sachs said the price of oil, while temporarily down, would climb to new highs.  Now, Goldman Sachs, this is the bunch of scumbags that:
- created mortgage based assets that were worthless
- sold them as AAA investments
- bet on them to crash in price
- profited handsomely when they did crash (while the rest of us lost a third or more of our 401k)
- got billions of our tax dollars to lend, which they did not lend, but rather bought T bills to make 2% off money they were given
- suffered no consequence from the damage they inflicted on the economy

so, why is it that this pond of low life scum is not prohibited from offering any opinion on the price trend of anything?  Have they not established themselves as an untrustworthy group of criminals?
what a joke...and we, the middle class, paid for the second yachts for those asswipes.

on a lighter note, funny episode on Family Guy last night.


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