Monday, May 2

Nice weekend.  worked outside a lot, and a lot more to do.  I noticed a few of the plants I put in the ground last fall have begun to sprout, so there's a start.  I went to Home Depot yesterday - the garden section was mobbed, and the rest of the store was empty.  Since the Sox are so terrible, I guess I will have to find other things to do than watch bad baseball on tv.
Was nice to hear Bin Laden had been killed, finally.  although it was far too long coming, he is gone (or is he).  the stories in the business sections of some web pages say that stocks will open higher, and oil prices will go down....if that is the case, the US should have a list of other people that, if killed, will result in the market going up, and oil prices going down.  Of course, as we have been brainwashed led to believe, the price of a barrel of oil does not relate to the price of a gallon of gas.  sure......
have a good Monday.


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