Monday, May 16

This IS May, isn't it?  38 degrees this morning.  We had a 91 degree day last week, now this.  One of these days it is bound to be spring.  This global warming is really bad.
Today is the swearing in of Rahm Emanuel as the mayor of Chicago.  He is saying the right things about the need to cut spending, etc, but really, look at the mess that Daly left him to clean up.  Daly has sold off city assets and spent the money decades faster than it was projected to last.  He has layers of patronage workers with huge pension commitments.  He was in bed with the unions, and that is not likely to be undone anytime soon.  What he has left for Emanuel is akin to a homeowner that used to own his house and possessions free and clear, but mortgaged not only the house but all the furniture and tvs, and is now paying on all of that.  I firmly believe that Daly retired because he knew he had created a mess that could never be cleaned up. 
Emanuel will probably realize that very quickly and will use his time in office to feather his own nest until the next federal job opportunity comes up. 
as I have written before, there is no cure for what the city, state and country have.  Anyone that thinks these messes can be fixed is delusional. 
mark my words.


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