May 25, 2011

Well, the rain and chilly weather is back.  big surprise.  But, it is so sad to see the devastation in MO and OK.  The video of those violent storms is something else - I can't imagine seeing a tornado like that approaching.
With the approach of the holiday weekend, it is puzzling that the drop in the barrel price has not reached the pump, isn't it?  and no movement of any kind on the part of our do-nothing-but-screw-the-middle-class-taxpayer administration.  Here's a quote from a story on  yahoo business regarding gas prices:

Meanwhile, retail gasoline prices dropped for the 13th day to $3.814 per gallon. Oil analyst Tom Kloza said pump prices should slide by another 30 cents by June, though refining problems in Chicago could keep prices elevated in the Midwest.

Have you read about any refining problems?  I haven't, and I read everything remotely indicating more screwing of the middle class.  Is the govt looking into these refining problems?  I think not.  Get used to it.  The price of a barrel will be down to 60 bucks and we will be paying 5 bucks for a gallon of gas. 

it should be interesting to see the Blago trial unfold.  How is it that the gov, the mayor of chicago and a congressman are all involved in this...and will all walk away scott free?  again, what a crock.

or is it just me?


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