Friday, May 6

I love text speak.  every time I see a new one I go to urbandictionary to see what it means.  $4.59 per gallon....NFW....the BP station I pass on the way to work has gas for $4.59 per gallon...but wait, you say....haven't oil prices gone done 20% in the last 2 days????  and would one not surmise that the price of gas would fall to some degree???   well, as we have been brainwashed into believing read in the media, the price of a gallon of gas is not directly tied to the price of a barrel of oil....sure...and each of the oil companies will post record profits next quarter...
I remember during Katrina, I was driving to my son's football game at 9:00 on a Saturday morning as the rainstorm raged.....I passed a station and gas was $3.99 a gallon.  two hours later, driving past the same station, gas was now $4.27 per gallon.  Now, no truck had come by and delivered more costly - the oil company knew it could use the lame justification that there was a  hurricane in the south, and that we should expect/accept a 28cent increase in the cost of a gallon of gas...this is criminal
I see Katie Couric is being courted byt ABC to do a show for $20 mil per year.  So, she bombs out at reading a teleprompter each evening, and for that somehow warrants a $20 mil salary???  I suppose she can take $19 mil of that and get her horse teeth fixed. 
happy Friday.


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