Wednesday, March 30

The link below is to a story outlining the pure genius of Gov. Elmer Fudd Quinn, the governor of the most poorly run state in the county.

In the article, Quinn says "the budget cutting governors have it wrong".  I suppose then, by his defintion, governors that spend money they don't have are right.  And this buffoon is running our state????  You really have to read the story to see just how delusional he is....and still no mention of cutting the pension commitment.  of course, those that would cut the pension commitment have it wrong, I suppose.  never let a small thing like having no money stop you from spending money.  the picture of him in the article is priceless also - looks like one of those old guys you see on the news that goes missing and the family is frantically looking for them, and they show up in a White Castle somewhere.

somewhere a village is missing its idiot.


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