Sunday, March 6

Spring is still nowhere to be seen.  Yesterday was a complete washout - cold, rainy, snow.  Couldn't do anything outside.  Maybe today is the day I will get to the health club to sign up...or maybe not.
I saw an interview with an oil market analyst yesterday, and when questioned about rising gas prices said the market had plenty of supply, but it was fear that was driving up the price....huh?   so much for supply and demand.  the speculators and big companies can find new ways to justify the unexplainable ripoff of the consumer.  we're all supposed to accept the stories that gas will get to 4 bucks or 8 bucks a gallon, or whatever propaganda we are being fed.  Our tax dollars go toward keeping the gas supply moving from the middle east, but we get no consideration on that.  American dollars, Amercan lives being spent to keep the oil companies and oil producing nations awash in money.  so when I read a story that gas is 9 bucks a gallon in Londan, I ask "why is it not 90 bucks a gallon there?"  the rest of the world contributes nothing toward keeping the market open and supplied, and their price per gallon should reflect that. 
but, we Americans will continue to work the most hours per worker as compared to Europe, and will have less time off than any other country, but the rest of the lazy world is only too happy to enjoy the benefits that our tax dollars do for them.
so, happy Sunday. 


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