Saturday, March 26

Just got back from a week in Scottsdale, AZ.  Went last Saturday, and had some very nice weather from Monday to Friday.  Had to get up at 2:00 am today to get ready, return the rental car and catch a 5:30 am flight.  so now I need a vacation from today's hustle.
I realized that I only see my kids in the context of what we do here at home.  They are both very mature, well spoken individuals, but with the daily routine of school and limited interaction in the evening, I hadn't seen them in the same light at home as I did on vacation.  I was very impressed with their maturity, and their willingness to spend time with me. 
I also realized what a good team I have at work.  AZ is 2 hrs behind the midwest, but my body clock didn't adjust, so I was getting up at 5 am every day.  I would take the computer to a spot where that I could get internet access and send, or reply to a few emails.  The response generally was "stop checking emails - we have you covered". 
As for AZ - it is as screwed up as Illinois.  Unemployment is 9.6%, foreclosures are high. There was a story on the news there about the superintendent of a school district that was going to retire with a $110,000 annual pension, and start working the day after his retirement in the same job for $130,000.  AND his health insurance is paid for so he is saving an addl $14,000.  This particular school district is having to lay off teachers, and close some schools...and yet they approve this arrangement? 
The hogs demand to be fed.


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