Monday, March 14

First work day after the time change....I guess you can tell the difference.  I am dragging, but will get up to speed here soon.  A bit darker this morning, but the longer daylight late in the day is nice.  Now all we need is some warm weather. 
I heard on the news that demand for oil has gone down due to the disaster in Japan.  Have prices gone down?  No.  Because they now say that because the nuclear reactors in Japan are damaged, they will use more oil, so we should expect the prices to rise.  Have we ever been told to expect the prices to fall?  No.  It's as if we are responsible for those events that cause prices to rise, and should expect to be punished through higher prices whene these events occur.  In about a month, you will see a story that the refineries are switching over to the spring season formula, so prices will rise because of that. 
and when the oil companies post record profits for the quarter, we should expect prices to rise.  Probably because the record profit was not big enough.  and it is our fault so we should have to pay.


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